November 21, 2011

simple piano song

I Need You Now by Annalisa

so you can read the little bio on this song over on my soundcloud by clicking the link above.

I'm definitely still not done with this song, but I was so tired of not having anything new up online that I thought "what tha heck."
so there ya have it...!

so, I was full fledged working on my EP when my sound-card went out.
so, I ordered another one and just got it in.
but now I've decided that I am going to work on my Dad's EP as my #1 priority for his 60th birthday present. :)
it's something we've wanted to do for a long time.
the man has got a lot of good songs.
good, sweet, smooth, heart-felt songs.
and he means THE WORLD to me...
so I want to make this happen now & get it mastered & possibly talk my buddy that flipsthatU into making him a cool album cover. ;)
I wanna have his songs to pass to the world and pass on to my kiddos one day.
I'll be doing some harmonies with him on it!
It's going to be so special!

My personal EP is not necessarily on the back-burner right now.. just a side burner.. it's kinda on simmer.. and i promise, it smells gooood in tha house.

Dad is #1 right now.

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